Andrea Roth

Wartmann Merker Ltd.



Zurich, Switzterland

Pharmaceuticals; Telecommunications; Media; Banking; Commodities


Swiss attorney-at-law
University of Singapore (LL.M.)
Universiity of Basel, Switzerland (Master of Law; Bachelor of Law)


Member of
- ASA (Swiss Arbitration Association)
- DIS (2021-2023: Regional Coordinator DIS40 of Zurich)
- Zurich and Swiss Bar Associations
- ArbitralWomen

Andrea Roth is a Senior Associate at Wartmann Merker. Her practice focuses on international and domestic arbitration as well as domestic and cross-border litigation. She acts as counsel and arbitrator in international arbitration proceedings, both institutional (e.g. ICC, Swiss Arbitration Centre, DIS, LCIA, VIAC, CAS) and ad-hoc. As arbitrator, Andrea Roth has experience in expedited proceedings under the ICC Rules, the Swiss Rules and the DIS Rules. In addition, she advises and represents Swiss and foreign individuals and entities before Swiss courts of all levels.

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