Marcelo Alarcón

Dentons Larraín Rencoret



Santiago, Chile

- Energy
- Construction and infrastructure
- Consumer law
- Insurance
- Restructuring, insolvency and Bankruptcy
- Corporate disputes
- Commercial and civil disputes in general

Spanish and English

Master of Laws (LL.M.), Melbourne University (2017)

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez , Viña del Mar(2011) (JD)

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Specialized courses in Accounting and Finances (2008-2009)ón-hermosilla-94b04023

- "Mediación obligatoria un problema cultural con solución-legal" (2018) (
- "La ejecución de la factura y la indefensión del deudor" (2019) (
- "Confianza legítima en la autoridad y derechos adquiridos supremazo a favor de la inversión inmobiliaria" (2020) (
- "La Reforma Procesal Civil con ocasión del covid" (2020) (
- "Possible changes in arbitrating against the Chilean State lessons learned from Bolivia" (2022) (

- Professor of Information Law, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (2019).
- Professor of dispute resolution module in the postgraduate course Public Works Law, Universidad Católica de Chile (2020 - 2021).
- Professor of Procedural Law, Universidad del Desarrollo (2021- present).
- Founding member of the Chilean chapter of ENERAP (Energy Related Arbitration Practitioners).
- Arbitrator of roster of CAM Santiago (AJ CAM).
- Arbitrator of roster of the Court of Appeals of Santiago.
- Member of the Chilean Bar Association.

Marcelo Alarcón is a leader in litigation and arbitration. His practice focuses on dispute resolution in civil and commercial matters and infrastructure and energy projects. He holds a Master of Laws (LL.M.) at the University of Melbourne focused on Dispute Resolution and Construction Law.
He has experience in several civil and commercial matters, acting in different proceedings representing companies in disputes on construction, energy supply, insolvency and restructuring, and consumer protection, among others.
Mr. Alarcón fulfills the role of coordinator partner of the Dispute Resolution area at Dentons Larraín Rencoret. He has more than ten years of experience and has worked at Dentons Larraín Rencoret since 2011. He participates in all the relevant cases of our firm and leads many of them.
Mr. Alarcón actively contributes to the dispute resolution discussion by the legal press and continuously publishes opinion articles in the newspaper.
He also teaches classes at the university in undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Mr. Alarcón is funding member of Chilean chapter of ENERAP, and is listed in the arbitration roaster of the Court of Appeals of Santiago.
He was President of the Students Union of the Law School of Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez in 2008
The prestigious rankings The Legal 500, Benchmark Litigation, Leaders League and Best Lawyers have recognized him in his practice areas.

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