João Vitor Costa



Brazil (admission)

Berlin, Germany

Construction and infrastructure
Commercial contracts
Public law

Portuguese (native)
English (fluent)
Spanish (intermediate)
German (rudimentary)

LL.B., Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil
Post-graduate Diploma in Civil Procedural Law, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil
LL.M. in International Dispute Resolution, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (HU), Germany

1 Publications
1.1 COSTA, João Vitor Candido Ferreira da. Arbitragem e consignação em pagamento: estudo sobre a ação e o procedimento à luz das naturezas material e processual do instituto [“Arbitration and Action for Payment: study on the procedure in light of the material and procedural aspects of the institute”]. Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação. vol. 70. ano 18. p. 153-173. São Paulo: Ed. RT, jul./set. 2021.
1.2 PEREZ, Ane Elisa; COSTA, João Vitor Candido Ferreira da; COSTA, Maria Roseli Candido. Dispute Boards e sua Obrigatoriedade nos Contratos de Construção financiados pelo Banco Mundial [“The mandatory application of Dispute Boards in procurement works financed by the World Bank”]. In: NASCIMBENI, Adrubal Franco; BERTASI, Maria Odete Duque; RANZOLIN, Ricardo Borges (coord.). Temas de Mediação e Arbitragem VII. Porto Alegre: LEX, 2022. p. 205-218.

2 Latest speaking engagements:
2.1 Humboldt Dispute Resolution Conference (Speaker. Berlin, September 2023)
2.2 Momento CIArb Brasil – Entrevista com Rouven e João Vitor (Interviewee. Online, January 2023)
2.3 International Construction Arbitration in Latin America and Europe: views on current topics (São Paulo Arbitration Week) (Organizer. São Paulo, October 2022)
2.4 Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Pre-Moot Opening Conference (Speaker. Berlin, March 2022)


I am a Brazilian-qualified practitioner within Dispute Resolution and have experience in highly complex judicial and arbitration proceedings. My experience comprises contracts and corporate disputes, construction, banking, agribusiness, among other matters.

After several years with the disputes practice group of a major firm in São Paulo, I now work at BODENHEIMER, a boutique dispute resolution firm in Germany, and my practice is focused on, albeit not limited to, sitting as Secretary to the Tribunal in international construction dispute, mainly in the United Arab Emirates.

I have represented clients and acted as Secretary in proceedings administered by and governed by the rules of the following institutions: ICC, DIAC (Dubai), CAM-CCBC (Brazil), CMA CIESP/FIESP (Brazil), CAMES (Brazil), as well as the ad hoc UNCITRAL Rules.

I hold an LL.M. in International Dispute Resolution from Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, and a Bachelor's and a Specialization degree in Civil Procedural Law, both from Universidade de São Paulo (USP). I also have attended advanced courses on arbitration and groups of advanced studies on this subject and on civil procedural law in general.

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