Baptiste Rigaudeau



France, Switzerland


Oil & Gas, Mining, Food & Beverage, Hospitality, Telecoms, Construction

French, English, Spanish

Cardiff Law School LLM
University of Versailles LLM
MCIArb - Approved Faculty List

See Linkedin Profile.

ICC BRI Commission
CIArb Young Members Group Steering Committee

Baptiste Rigaudeau specialises in international arbitration, with a focus on commercial and investor-State disputes. He has experience working as counsel and secretary to international arbitration tribunals under ICC, HKIAC, SIAC, SCC, CIETAC, CMAP, ICSID and UNCITRAL rules, in proceedings governed by various procedural and substantive laws, both common and civil. He has experience in the energy, particularly in oil and gas, construction, banking, telecommunications, hotel and pharmaceuticals sectors. He also has experience in cross-border litigation and asset recovery matters.

He is a member of the ICC’s Commission on the Belt & Road Initiative and of the Global Steering Committee of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Young Members’ Group. He is also a member of several professional associations such as ICC YAF, LCIA YIAG and the International Wine Law Association. He has spoken at conferences and has published several articles on international arbitration.

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