Ais Lidzhanova

TA Advisory, Partner




Oil and gas, construction and infrastructure, banking and finance, transportation and airlines


- University of Denver Sturm College of Law (CO, USA)
- Lomonosov Moscow State University Law School (PhD Candidate)
- Lomonosov Moscow State University Law School (LLB + LLM equivalent)

Recent speaking engagements include:
- Moderator, ICC YAAF Masterclass
- Speaker, Kazakhstan Legal Forum
- Speaker, Turkey Arbitration Week
- Moderator, HKIAC webinar
- Moderator, Young Institute of Modern Arbitration

- Solicitor (England & Wales)
- Advocate (Russia)
- Arbitrator (Energy Disputes Arbitration Center)
- Arbitrator (The Guide to Next Generation of Russian Arbitrators)
- Rights of Audience (Astana International Financial Centre Court in Kazakhstan)
- Mentor, ArbitralWomen
- Senior Lecturer (Higher School of Economics)

I have 10+ years of experience in international arbitration (ICC, LCIA, SCC, ICAC, UNCITRAL International Arbitration Rules).
I am recognised by Best Lawyers for my work in International Arbitration, Arbitration and Mediation.
I have been named as one of the next generation arbitrators among leading academics and practitioners.
I am a PhD candidate with an educational background in the U.S.
Prior to TA Advisory, I gained my professional experience from a City law firm (London, UK), where I advised diverse clients around the world. I benefit from the knowledge and understanding of cultural and business nuances in multiple jurisdictions.
I actively participate in international arbitration community. I regularly speak at global conferences, conduct trainings and webinars, and participate as arbitrator in student moot courts.

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