RAI “Interview the Chamber” Series: Gavin Denton (Arbitration Chambers) in conversation with Cam Tu Vo Nguyen

Published: 17/10/2022 13:56

RAI “Interview the Chamber” Series: Gavin Denton (Arbitration Chambers) in conversation with Cam Tu Vo Nguyen

Cam Tu Vo Nguyen, Member of the Rising Arbitrators Initiative (RAI) and Tribunal Secretary at The Arbitration Chambers speaks to Gavin Denton, Head of Chambers at Arbitration Chambers in the next episode of the RAI’s “Interview the Chamber” Series.

In this engaging talk with Cam Tu, Gavin provides insights on the history of Arbitration Chambers and the journey he went through to build up his practice. Gavin also discusses the various skills and experiences that working at an arbitration chamber brings practitioners, which are different to those gained in private practice.

In addition, Gavin shares the criteria Arbitration Chambers consider when deciding on appointing an arbitrator or associate to the chambers. Most notably, Gavin highlights the importance for lawyers to work on their “brand” and to have a “business plan”.

In his advice to young(er) practitioners, Gavin emphasizes that hard work and dedication to the job and practice is, above all else, the most crucial thing for someone to grow as a lawyer (whether in the practice of arbitration or elsewhere).

Watch the full recording of the interview on the RAI website available here :

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